
Tell Her She’s Doing Great

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If you see a mama yelling at her kids and going off on them in public . . . 

Tell her. 

If you see a mama with tears welling up in her eyes and she looks emotionally (and maybe physically) drained . . . 

Tell her. 

If you see a mama with her hands full at the restaurant – whether she’s feeding a baby or helping a toddler cut up their food – and she looks like she just wants to eat her own food before it gets cold . . . 

Tell her. 

If you see a mama struggling with her kids in the grocery store . . .

Tell her.

If you see a mama wrangling up a toddler or trying to console a screaming baby . . . 

Tell her the one thing that she needs to hear at that moment: That she’s doing a great job. 

Because you really are, Mama. 

You’re doing great.

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